Although promotional posters and merchandise for anime, manga, and games can be seen in almost every corner of Tokyo, some of the biggest concentrations of such merchandise, perhaps in the world, lay among the floors of the many Animate stores across the city. With otaku (a term used to describe people with interests surrounding media consumption, primarily anime, manga, or gaming) culture being so prominent in Japan and growing in popularity abroad, particularly in the U.S., these stores which offer such a wide range of merchandise and limited edition or new releases are a huge draw to Japanese residents and tourists alike.
Animate is a chain of stores with locations all over Japan and is one of the largest retailers of manga, anime, and games in the country. The chain also now has locations in China, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand as well as an online shop, further lending to its growing global presence. The stores often hold pop-up events and campaigns that can draw even more attention.
In any given Animate, there are likely to be several floors of manga, DVDs, CDs, and video games. Beyond this, the locations also carry officially licensed merchandise for many popular anime, manga, and video games. The massive inventory of official merchandise may be a draw in and of itself, however some Animate locations, particularly in the newly-expanded Ikebukuro Animate Flagship store, have even more unique things to offer.
During my visit to the Ikebukuro Animate, which is now said to be the world's largest anime store, some of the most unique items that caught my eye were cookies branded with images from different series, themed omiyage (gifts or souvenirs for family, co-workers, or friends, often in the form of small sweets, food, or snacks), and perfumes for characters from popular anime.
Overall, my experience walking through Animate stores has been quite overwhelming with the sheer amount and variety of items available on top of the often crowded floors and stairways. However, despite the chaos that may ensue inside their walls, Animate is an essential stop in Japan for anyone interested in one, some, or all things anime, manga, and video games.